Generating key pairs for the APDM Server (for Cygwin, Linux and Mac OS X)

We use something called "public key authentication" to tunnel into APDM. That means you have a public key on, and a private key on your local machine. When you want to log in, you open up your private key file using a passphrase and uses your public key to verify it really is you. Using public key encryption, we never have passwords going over the net which is very very good. Note that your public key file is public - go ahead and give it away! - but your private key is very, very private - KEEP IT SECURE!.

Check versions and generate your key pair

  1. Open a terminal.
  2. Type ssh -V and you should get the OpenSSH_3.8.1p1 (or greater) version.
  3. type ls -la. You should see a .ssh folder. If you don't, type mkdir .ssh and chmod 755 .ssh.
  4. Type cd .ssh.
  5. Type ssh-keygen -b 2048 -f id_rsa -t rsa
  6. Type ls -la. Your permissions for id_rsa should be -rw------. If it's not, type chmod 600 id_rsa.

What you have

What to do next

  1. Type cp .. to copy your public key out of the hidden .ssh folder.
  2. Email the APDM sysadmins (at the address 'apdm-admin' on with:

Then what?

  1. After we make you a user account and add your public key to it, you'll be able to use ssh and git.
  2. You'll probably want to make the following SSH configuration file if you haven't already: in .ssh, create the file config and paste this content in:

Host *
User = <username>

Host = dev.apdm
        Hostname =